Do you have your own Financial Advisor in Ireland?

It makes sense for people to review their finances when they have a major life event such as moving home, changing jobs or having children. If you have moved to Ireland or planning to do so soon, you’ve either had or you’re probably going to have a few life-changing events of your own, so it's a good time to review your financial goals and plan for the future.

Do you have your own Financial Advisor in Ireland?
As someone who moved to Ireland some 22 years ago, I understand how daunting and stressful the process can be. While a lot of things are similar, there are plenty of things that are very different from what you are used to back home.
From a financial point of view, the Banks, Life Insurance Providers and Investment Companies are all different from the companies you know from home.
As a Financial Advisor, I will take the time necessary to give you guidance, helping you to make more informed decisions which ultimately will be the right ones for you moving forward. My advice is always tailored to your specific needs, there is no such thing as generic advice in my opinion as our financial and family circumstances are all different.
I will help you to establish your financial needs and identify the most cost-effective ways to get your finances in order after making the move.
I specialise in:
- Family Life Insurance & Serious Illness Cover (Dread Disease)
- Long Term Income Protection (Protect your earned income until retirement)
- Getting mortgage ready (Mortgage Protection etc)
- Investing Money
- Saving money
- Retirement Planning
If you have any financial matters that I don't directly advise on, I'd be happy to point you in the right direction to save you time and hassle.
I’ve helped hundreds of South African nationals to find their feet when moving to Ireland.
The process is simple.
We usually start with a quick chat over WhatsApp to see how I can help (either before or after you make the move over), followed by a Zoom meeting when you’re settled in Ireland.
Thank you once again for your support, I am so grateful for the amazing feedback and testimonials so far. I look forward to helping in any way possible.
Kindest Regards,
Danny Coad QFA
Tel: +353 862422441
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