Are you struggling with gathering paperwork to get married to you significant other?
Then Denmark might be a viable option for you.
Are you struggling with gathering paperwork to get married to you significant other?
Then Denmark might be a viable option for you.
We were very excited to be given the opportunity to move to Ireland through my obtaining a job offer on a CSEP.
We lived well enough in South Africa but had been looking to move for various reasons and one of them, quite honestly, was that after the pandemic and the riots etc, work just wasn’t going well for my husband and we wanted to make a fresh start financially as well as on all other levels.
We scrimped and saved and came over with just enough to basically get here and keep going for about a month.
Point being – we didn’t have a massive amount of money to just dip into in the case of a crisis and we had to manage our finances very carefully.
Copyright Chris Scott Photography
"Expecting life to always turn out the way you want is guaranteed to lead to disappointment because life will not always turn out the way you want it to. And when those unfulfilled expectations involve the failure of other people to behave the way you expect them to, the disappointment also involves resentment." - The Psychology of Expectations
If your EXPECTATIONS are too high, too wide, that this island will be another or better South Africa, or if you expect that this island is perfect... you WILL BE DISAPOINTED! Its a beautiful life if you let Ireland in.
Drop expectation at the airport when you leave SA... carry your family and your bags... and be OPEN to a new experience.
It was #OurTurn to leave for Ireland on Saturday evening from Joburg, 31 July 2021.