Contacts and Big Big Links (Resources) Immigration Information for South Africans moving and immigrating to the Republic of Ireland
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Other Topics | Brief summary of content of that link | LINK |
Medical | 112 or 999 emergency calls | Emergency phone numbers |
Medical | Antenatal care apppointment lists | Antenatal care appointment list |
Medical | CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) |
Medical | Cross border care Uk and Irish | Cross border care- UK and Irish Passports |
Medical | Drug Payment Scheme | Drugs payment Scheme |
Medical | EU Health card for Irish and EU | European Health Insurance Card |
Medical | Find a GP | Find a GP |
Medical | GP card services | GP services are only free with a GP card |
Medical | GP under 6 year old card (as per budget 2022 this will be adjusted to include children aged 6 and 7) |
GP under 6 card. |
Medical | Habitual Residence may be needed to prove to various departments that you are now resident and plan to be resident in Ireland | Operations Guidelines to Habitual Residence Approval |
Medical | Habitual Residence may be needed to prove to various departments that you are now resident and plan to be resident in Ireland | The Habitual Residence Condition |
Medical | Home Births | Home Births |
Medical | Hospital Treatment fees | Hospital treatment Fees |
Medical | Immunisations in Ireland | Immunisation program |
Medical | Long Term Illness Scheme | Long Term Illness Scheme |
Medical | Maternity and Infant Care Scheme | Maternity and Infant care scheme |
Medical | Maternity private | Maternity- Going Private |
Medical | Maternity Semi-private | Maternity- Going semi-private |
Medical | Maternity services | Here you can find the full list of Maternity Services |
Medical | Medical Card assessment Guidelines | Medical card assessment guidelines |
Medical | There are certain instances where people who are visiting Ireland qualify for some free or partly subsidized healthcare. | Visiting Ireland and partly subsidized healthcare |
Medical | These are regional eg: South Doc/ North Doc/ West Doc etc | After hours doctors |
Medical | To avoid Hospital Accident and Emergency there are Injury units who can handle injuries eg: broken legs | Injury units |
Medical | What is means testing (usually used as a measure if applicants are considered low income for social benefits) | What is the Means Test |
Medical | Your pregnancy scans and test | Your Pregnancy scans and tests |
Please see the Contacts Page for info on how to get hold of various companies or departments HERE