South Africans moving to Ireland

 Everything you need to know about the move
to the Republic of Ireland
from the Republic of South Africa

SA passport holders cannot fly without a visa


NEW VISA- here


Confused or lost and need some direction,
book a session with us to help untangle the confusion
and work out your route of immigration

We offer a range of SUPPORTS to assist with your move.
 We don't recommend you join our website until
you have checked your eligibility to make the move.
Once you are sure REGISTER HERE 

Am I ELIGIBLE to move to Ireland?

Click this link below to start your journey...

We moved to Ireland just over a month ago (end of March 2023)

During the process of researching, researching and researching we came across a plethora and abundance of "experts" and "specialists" in emigrating. Even on Facebook, there's so much information, that it's easy to get lost trying to wade through all the offical data, people's experiences, knowledge and advice, across multiple sites and tie that all back together.

It was quite exhausting

Enter the SA2EIRE website!! What a fantastic treasure trove of knowledge for emigration to Ireland, by beautiful people who had actually done the emigration process themselves. Score!


Then we decided to purchase the Gold concierge service:

It became obvious VERY quickly: it was worth every. Single. Cent.


Megan and Vicky were so great! Knowledgeable and they obviously related to our move.

To anyone who may be undecided, do it! It's absolutely worth it!!

We couldn't have done this process and maintained our sanity ?‍? (what little there is) without Megan and Vicky! You guys are magical!! Thank you from both of us!!


Siya and Audrey

More reviews can be seen click here

Thank you to Marco Gresele Photography, Chris Scott Photography,
Catchlight Lens Photography and Graphic design
and our generous Facebook members who have donated images to use on this website.

Copyrights offered for use on this website

The last glance over my shoulder as I leave my old home to head to the airport.

I keep telling myself, I know this is the right thing to do.

The kids are arguing in the back seat.

Little one is crying because she dropped her sweet on the floor of the car.

"Im sorry I cant wash it off, baby"

I don't have patience for this, how will I cope for 2 long flights, without losing my damn mind?

Husband looks terrified next to me.

Open the window.

Its stifflingly hot.

Smell that SA air.

Close my eyes.


Take it all in.

Last few hours of this warmth.

Open my eyes.

Blurry, everything is blurry.

The tears.

I see it all disapear behind a hill.

Good bye home.

Airport. Paperwork, more paperwork, what is it we need to say. Oh sheesh, I've forgotten everything I'm supposed to do or say.


Ok, breathe.


Talk, you need to talk now.

Show the file of paperwork.


Sitting on a plane, the roar of the engines below me.

And as the wheels lift off the ground, I see the land down below me slowly getting smaller and further away. The sea. The endless Indian ocean with it's sardine runs, and dolphins, and whales, and the land, our beautiful land, and the mountains of the Berg, wide beautiful dams and soft long grasses blowing in a breeze and the sound of a million Christmas beetles in chorus in the heat of the African sun and the crashing thunder of an afternoon storm as the drops hit the tar and fill my nose with sweet memories of living in this place... what are we doing... I LOVE this land.

Like the great migrations of Wildebeest... we are doing the same.



Thina lusapho lwayo...

and we are leaving.

18 Looong looooog loooooong hours later.

"Please fold your trays up and put your seats in the upright position"

And over the Irish sea a patchwork unolds.

A quilt of brilliant shades of green.

Of hope.

Of what could be.

What is ahead of us?

What is coming?

Beyond all these questions I feel an overwhelming sense of peace.

I feel freedom.


Screaching tyres.

Our new home now stands before us, and it is all up to us to make the most of this time, of our lives, of our journey.

It is all in our hands to embrace the changes and the new ways.

We have been afforded an opportunity.

Let's do this!

May we all be blessed with the experiences of life.

Be they happy, be they sad, be they merriment, be they heartache... every up and down means we are alive.

Celebrate your aliveness and ability to make choices

 - Anon - Written for and published with the author's permission, for the members